WooCommerce 4.0 is live

Published On: March 11th, 2020|Categories: WooCommerce|Tags: , |5 min read|

Today was announced the availability of WooCommerce 4.0 – the first major release of 2020.

What’s new in WooCommerce 4.0?

WooCommerce 4.0 includes the following:

  • WooCommerce Admin
  • Action Scheduler 3.1
  • New Onboarding Experience
  • Enhancement to the Order edit screen
  • Latest fixes of WooCommerce Blocks package
  • Updates related to Brexit and VAT
  • Improvements to email handling
  • Optimizations for saving variations and Cash on delivery payment gateway

Deprecated Functions and Methods in WooCommerce 4.0

countries_using_vat got replaced by WC_Countries::get_vat_countries

Template File Changes in WooCommerce 4.0

The following template files have been updated in this release

cart/shipping-calculator.phpWording of Country updated to Country / Region in shipping calculator
global/quantity-input.phpAdded placeholder attribute for the quantity input
emails/customer-reset-password.phpAdded missing tag for the end of paragraph
emails/email-styles.phpUpdated img CSS
emails/email-header.phpSet table width to 100%
single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.phpAdded placeholder attribute for the quantity input

Upgrading to WooCommerce 4.0

WooCommerce 4.0 is a new major version which means it’s not fully backward compatible so it is recommended to test and back up prior to upgrading and following this upgrade guide.

Learn more about the new version of WooCommerce 4.0 in the official announcemet.

Complete WooCommerce 4.0 Changelog

== WooCommerce 4.0 Changelog ==

= 4.0.0 - 2020-03-10 =

* Enhancement - Included information about packages in the System Status Report. #25584
* Enhancement - New WooCommerce Admin. #25011
* Enhancement - Update dependency woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks to v2.5.12 #25587
* Enhancement - Updated Action Scheduler to 3.0.1. #25566
* Performance - Improved the client-side preparation for variation saving. #25382
* Tweak - Enhance order details and payment summary. #25504
* Tweak - Increase new onboarding group test to 50%. #25501
* Tweak - Increased range and precision for `min_price` and `max_price` in the product meta lookup table. #25253
* Tweak - Move action scheduler to external via composer. #25404
* Tweak - Only update the customer IP address when order gets created from admin. #25137
* Tweak - Remove WooCommerce Admin install alert. #25502
* Tweak - Removed WC Admin from the Setup Wizard if it's already active. #25562
* Tweak - Set email header table width to 100% for full width. #25294
* Tweak - Simplified MaxMind integration title. #25522
* Tweak - Update 'Country' to 'Country / Region' label. #25530
* Tweak - WooCommerce.com plugins auto-install and update improvement. #25532
* Fix - Add missing closing tag. #25319
* Fix - Added validation to the cost field for flat rate shipping. #24919
* Fix - Address in shipping calculator malformed for Canada. #25149
* Fix - Adjusted package shipping rates to only be visible when a full address is entered. #25128
* Fix - Check for WooCommerce Admin feature plugin class before adding install notice. #25395
* Fix - Corrected the performance issues caused by the Cash-On-Delivery plugin's initialization process. #25512
* Fix - Duplicate webhook deliveries. #25183
* Fix - Fix fatal error that would occur when calling the WC_Payment_Gateways::set_current_gateway() function and there is no WC session. #25322
* Fix - Fixed adding multiple items to cart from any product listing page. #24818
* Fix - Fixed get_discount function return type. #25567
* Fix - Fixed possible multiple is_vat_exempt order meta in order creation. #25426
* Fix - Fixed wrong context help for translators. #25496
* Fix - Make `WC_Shipping::is` package shippable less strict. #25386
* Fix - Prevent undefined `wp_delete_user()` error while removing inactive accounts. #25489
* Fix - Removed constants and autoloader from the uninstall script. #25589
* Fix - Removed the lowercase conversion for product search terms that caused incorrect results to case sensitive searches. #25314
* Fix - Restored the default behavior of "Shipping destination" option. #25571
* Fix - Set image CSS on emails to be `max-width: 100%` so that they don't break the email template. #24764
* Fix - Setup wizard shipping setup verification logic correction. #25540
* Dev - Added support for placeholder attribute in quantity inputs. #25418
* Dev - Added `tax_status` and `tax_class` columns to the product meta data lookup table. #25428
* Dev - Introduced `woocommerce_top_rated_widget_args` filter. #25320
* Dev - Introduced `woocommerce_admin_process_variation_object` hook. #24929
* Dev - Added actions before and after grouped product list to allow adding custom rows. #25093
* Dev - Added filter to tweak whether a product has enough stock while attempting to pay for an order. #25230
* Dev - Added the `automattic/jetpack-constants` package and replace PHP constant definition checks with it. #25516
* Dev - Added a `triggerHandler` called `checkout_place_order_success` on a successful order during the checkout process. #25289
* Dev - Allow filtering of default meta value inside `WC_Data::get_meta` even if meta key not found. #24066
* Dev - Includes Emogrifier composer package instead of including into `includes/libraries`. #25525
* Dev - Introduce `WC_Countries::get_vat_countries` for returning a list of countries that uses VAT and refactor `WC_Countries::get_european_union_countries` with backward compatibility and deprecation to remove the VAT functionality from there. Brexit, remove GB from `WC_Countries::get_european_union_countries`. #24943
* Dev - Introduced `woocommerce_download_product_filepath` filter. #25485
* Dev - Introduced `woocommerce_email_content_type` filter. #25405
* Dev - Updated `woocommerce_email_from_name` and `woocommerce_email_from_address` filter arguments to include `wp_email()` default data. #25405
* Dev - Introduced `woocommerce_shortcode_products_query_results` filter. #25573
* Dev - Removed `hash_equals()` polyfill as it was no longer needed. #25474
* Dev - Removed unused `.order-actions` CSS. #25581

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