How to send mail when a new Post is published in WordPress
Sending a mail when a new Post or Custom Post Type is published to your WordPress website is easy. We will use the publish_post WordPress action. Let's see the actual [...]
How to remove password strength checker from WordPress / WooCommerce
WooCommerce and WordPress have an integrated Password Strength Meter which forces users to use strong passwords. It loads the following files: /wp-includes/js/zxcvbn.min.js /wp-admin/js/password-strength-meter.min.js If you’re running WooCommerce, the above file [...]
How to add code to Header and Footer in WordPress via functions.php
Adding code to WordPress header or footer is needed when you have Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Hotjar or any other service code that has to be placed in that specific [...]
How to check if user is logged-in in WordPress
We already covered how to check if user is admin or has any other capabilities. This time we will cover how to check if the user is actually logged-in in [...]
How to check if user is administrator or editor in WordPress
WordPress has a build in function to check if the current logged-in user is whether administrator, editor or any other capability you have. I am talking about the current_user_can() function [...]
WordPress Tutorials
Learn how to further develop your WordPress website. WordPress PHP snippets explained.