7 Ideas to Monetize a Website and Increase Your Income
Just because you get a domain and a hosting service to have a website up and running, do not expect to make money from it that easily. It takes a [...]
How to display subcategories in Category pages in WordPress
I was given the task to display all subcategories when a user is in a category. By default you cannot do that in WordPress. There are some plugins that'll do [...]
What is WebP and how to speed up WordPress by reducing the size of photos by up to 35%
If you want to speed up your WordPress site, reducing the size of the images is a big step in that direction. On average, images make up about half the [...]
Starting a blog in 2024 – 8 things you need to consider
Are you going to start a new site in 2023? Great! Or do you have an old site that needs to be refreshed for 2023 and you have planned it [...]
Do we care about the accessibility of our site?
This article is about the accessibility of the sites and how important it is to optimize your site for accessibility so that it is available to all users. The term [...]
Everything you need to know about WordPress fonts
Fonts are a small but very important element in creating a website. Often established brands use only one specific font, which is part of the brand identity of the company. [...]
How to protect your domain ownership – basic tips
Nowadays, our virtual property such as files, sites and domains can sometimes cost and mean more to us than even our real estate. Real estate is protected in a number [...]
How to change domain name without losing traffic?
Building a successful and, more importantly, sustainable business is often associated with a company's ability to adapt to change. One of these changes is rebranding. Globally, we see companies every [...]
Top 10 WordPress Plugins for Adding a Contact Form
You have a WordPress site and a customer wants to contact you, whether it is a question regarding a product or a business proposal, how will they do it? By [...]
The most used keyboard shortcuts for WordPress sites (Keyboard Shortcuts)
Speed is an extremely topical issue, no matter what it is about. To save time, be more productive in managing your WordPress site, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts instead of [...]
WordPress Tutorials
Learn how to further develop your WordPress website. WordPress PHP snippets explained.