Amazing Mac Hacks Everyone Must Know

Published On: June 29th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|Tags: |5 min read|

Macs are known to offer some of the best tips and hacks, yet many users are not aware of them. Regardless of whether you are using an iMac, a MacBook Air, or a MacBook Pro, you can use these hacks in your day-to-day life to make your work easier. From capturing effortless screenshots to using visualization, there is a lot to learn about MacBooks.

Master the Art of Screenshot

Screenshots can come in quite handy on Mac, and you can capture your screen using any of the three given methods:

  • Command + Shift + 4: Press the key combination to get a crosshair that will let you capture the exact screen you want.
  • Command + Shift + 3: This key combination will allow you to take a screenshot of your entire screen, and you can get a separate file for each connected display.
  • Command + Shift + 4: Press and hold down these keys, release them, and then hit Spacebar. Next, click on any window you want to capture.

Turn a Website Into App

You can easily find an app for everything, and if you can’t, here’s a quick way to help you create an app for the websites you frequently use on your Mac. If you are wondering how to turn website into app, then the Automator, Mac’s default utility, is the key:

  1. Open Applications folder and launch Automator.
  2. Click New Document, and hit Workflow.
  3. Select Internet in the left pane and add the URL of the website you want to turn into an app by clicking the Add button under Get Specified URLs.
  4. Under the Website Popup, customize the settings for your new app. 

Use Emojis in Everyday Messaging

Amazing Mac Hacks Everyone Must Know - 2

While using Mac, use emojis in your regular messaging to make your texts more appealing. Follow the given steps to add emojis.

  1. Position your cursor at the place where you want to add an emoji in the text field.
  2. Enter Command + Ctrl + Space, and the emoji keyboard pane will appear.
  3. Next, scroll down to take a look at all the emojis, select an emoji, and it will enter into the text field. 

Sign PDF in Mail App

Today’s digital workplaces demand employees to sign multiple PDFs, and Mac allows you to capture your signature using a mouse, camera, or trackpad. 

  1. Open Preview on your Mac system.
  2. If the Markup toolbar doesn’t appear, click on the Show Markup Toolbar button.
  3. Next, click the Sign button, create and save your signature using a trackpad or camera.
  4. Add your signature to the PDF using the following steps:
  • Select the signature you want to add and drag it to the place where you want to insert it.
  • Adjust the size of the signature using handles and edges.

Set up Do Not Disturb Settings

Notification Center on your macOS controls and manages the apps or websites that require permission to send alerts. These notifications are helpful but sometimes annoying. To mute the notifications, you may follow the given steps:

  1. Press the Option key on the keyboard.
  2. Select the Notification Centre icon from the menu bar, and it will grey out, which denotes that Do Not Disturb is enabled.

Delete Files Permanently From System

With OSX El Capitan (10.11), you can bypass the trash by removing or deleting files from your Mac system. Earlier, you used to delete a file by right-clicking it and then selecting Move to Trash. After realizing that the Trash is already stuffed with files, you go ahead to delete them. Now, you can delete files quickly from your system using the following steps:

  1. Select the file that you need to delete.
  2. Press and hold down Option + Command + Delete to permanently delete files without moving to the Trash.
  3. A dialog window will appear asking for confirmation to delete files.

Split Screen With Split View

Split Screen With Split View

Using a Mac gives you a great experience as you can work efficiently while learning new things. Mac’s Split Screen View allows you to use more than two screens simultaneously on your desktop. You can open two different apps at the same time that work side-by-side. 

  1. To enter a split-screen view, hover the cursor over the green button on the top left corner of one of the apps that you want to add. 
  2. A window will appear with three different options. The first option will let you enter the full-screen mode, in which the window will cover your entire screen. 
  3. Choose either tile to the left or tile to the right. If you select the left side of the split view for this app, choose right for another app your wish to remain open on your Mac screen. 

Maximize Your Experience With Spotlight 

Spotlight is an exceptional feature in Mac that allows you to perform multiple tasks. Press Command + Spacebar to launch Spotlight, and you can now find anything you want by typing in the relevant keywords. To get the most out of Spotlight in Mac, here’s what you can do:

  • Convert measurements including inches to centimeters, Celsius to Fahrenheit, ounces to pounds, and more.
  • Perform simple mathematical calculations such as addition, multiplication, division, and so on using a calculator.
  • Find contacts directly without scrolling down the contact book by entering the name of the person you want to get in touch with.

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