How to add custom CSS or JS code to WordPress admin panel

Published On: December 16th, 2019|Categories: WordPress|Tags: |2 min read|

Adding CSS/JS to WordPress admin can be very useful if you want to customize the dasboard, for example to make the WooCommerce menu item purple or highlight something to make it easier to find. You can customize a clients admin panel to match their brand identity.

There are two ways to add your custom CSS/JS code to WordPress admin dashboard:

  1. By using the admin_enqueue_scripts WordPress hook or
  2. By adding a custom function to the functions.php file of your WordPress theme.

PHP Snippet: Add CSS code to WordPress admin by enqueuing


PHP Snippet: Add JS code to WordPress admin by enqueuing


PHP Snippet: Add CSS/JS code to all WordPress pages


PHP Snippet: Add CSS/JS code to WordPress admin by custom function


Just put the snippet in your child theme’s functions.php file.

Learn more about the following WordPress hooks:

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